Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I love that muscle stimulator thing! I went to the doctor again yesterday and was feeling pretty darn good. After the stimulation, we tried to do some manipulation-some was working and some was definitely not! I was pretty sore when I left, but I felt like it was a good sore and we were getting somewhere.

Later that evening, I was sore as hell---I mean REALLY sore...

Woke up this morning feeling much better, with just a slight amount of pain...As the day wore on, I had ZERO pain and no soreness at all. So, of course I headed to the range!

I know it wasn't too smart, but I can't just sit here forever...I hit 3/4 of a small basket-hit some pretty bad shots and I hit even more good ones using the PW only! It was fun, but I did get sore after a bit and quit immediately...


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