Thursday, December 14, 2006

Bloggers and me

Leave it to me to make a rare visit to Las Vegas two weeks before the Bloggers get to town! I really have no complaints since the guys I met while there have been online friends for quite awhile and I had a blast. Having said that, it would have been cool to meet (and drink) with all the folks I have been reading for the last couple years. Having (many) drinks with Iggy, Pauly, and the infamous AlCantHang might have been good for several posts that someone might actually have read. I haven't tried very hard to be part of the blogging community and I'm not sure why, since everyone is pretty nice, at least half-crazy and likes to drink. I believe part of the reason is I got to the party a little late which is not rare for me. Hell, I have been playing online as long as anyone (can we say Planet Poker), but it was only 2 or 3 years ago I even knew there was such a thing as rake back! It seems like all the "regular" bloggers had been around for quite awhile before I even knew what a blogger was. I just remember asking my office partner( a couple years ago) "Hey, what's a blog?" I also rarely post comments, so I sure could work a little harder getting to be known in the blogging neighborhood. Or, since I have no idea why I write this thing anyway, I can stay invisible and lazy.


It has been an awesome run!! I kept trying to work off the Full Tilt bonus, but their software or server does not get along with mine and it's impossible for me to play ANY game there without getting timed out at least 25% of the time. It was extraordinarily frustrating, so I said to hell with it and started playing some SNG's over at PStars. I was met with great success (and never got timed out once) which is always fun. I played a little bigger than usual, the players were pretty weak and I have been catching enough cards to prevail. I even played a 200 buy-in which was a first for me, and took it down for a little over 900. It has been a sweet little run, which while quite satisfying and rewarding, has done little to rekindle the poker passion of last year. I am not good enough to just sit and win...I need to get a lot better and continue to work on my game, but I am lacking the motivation to do so. I wonder if I can find that poker magic again?


I actually left the safety and comfort of home last night to visit friends who were in the middle of their annual "Tamale Making Party". Since I am a kitchen guy, I am usually pretty handy to have around, so when I saw Papa wrestling with a massive hunk of beef I attempted to help out. I took one try at cutting the beef into large chunks and quickly announced that "I would be right back". I drove home and picked up a couple of sharp kitchen knives and saved the day! I suppose it wasn't that dramatic, but how people can have crappy (and dull) knives in an otherwise modern and well-stocked kitchen is beyond me. We ended up with a great tasting product and had a nice time doing it. Since I was offered, I was forced to accept a couple different Belgian beers; one was apple flavored and the other was raspberry. They were a little sweet and without any alcohol overtones, but not too bad.

I think it's time for a whiskey and a SNG...Later all


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