Thursday, November 09, 2006

A Matter of Perspective

A buddy of mine is a very, very good poker player. He plays in bigger games than I could even dream of, so when he loses a stack, it's 1000 bucks. We have all been kicked in the teeth by the bitch known as variance, and at times it seems bad beats begets more bad beats.

He and I were IM ing the other morning while he was in the middle of a 3 stack drawdown. You want to talk about bad beats? At the same time, one of my dearest friends IM's me with the horrible news that her sister was diagnosed with breast cancer.

I'll tell you something my friends. All of a sudden, that 3K downswing seems awfully damn unimportant.

Treasure your friends and loved ones, and enjoy each and every day as much as possible.


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