Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Random poker thoughts

I have been thinking, which is always a very dangerous proposition for me. For whatever reason, I have been following the results at the Bellagio fairly closely (once a day?), and started to do some thinking...Justin Bonomo seems to be doing quite well...


The name alone brings many different emotions to the table, most of which are negative and hateful. Those emotions and opinions are (or were) the same as mine. I have no room in my life for cheaters or scammers, and in my opinion even angle shooters should die in a painful fashion. So I was thinking...

I don't know the guy, and possibly never will...

When he was caught multi-tabling in the tournaments, he was 18 or 19 or 20 years old. His comments (excuses) after the fact were ridiculous, and hopefully as he matures he will be embarrassed by his rationale. This isn't easy for me to write because I hold honor and truth above all else, but the bottom is, I was a major league fuck up at that age. And everyone I knew was the same.

So I have to give him a break...So kick ass kid, and NEVER ever fuck up again.


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